
    Aferdita Dreshaj Model & Singer
    Aferdita Dreshaj
    Model | US
    Lavinia Mazzia Model
    Lavinia Mazzia
    Model | IT
    Betty Bonga Model
    Betty Bonga
    Model | KE
    Liubov Sountourlis Model
    Liubov Sountourlis
    Model | CY
    Maddie Daly Model
    Maddie Daly
    Model | AU
    Renee Moore Photographer
    Renee Moore
    Photographer | AU
    Slava Kvinto Photographer
    Slava Kvinto
    Photographer | EE
    Enas Sadek Makeup Artist
    Enas Sadek
    Makeup Artist | EG
    Metropolitan Models Paris Modeling Agency
    Metropolitan Models Pari
    Modeling Agency | FR
    Nabeeha Kalb Photographer
    Nabeeha Kalb
    Photographer | AT
    Clutts Agency Dallas Modeling Agency
    Clutts Agency Dallas
    Modeling Agency | US
    Kenneth Wong Fashion Stylist
    Kenneth Wong
    Fashion Stylist | HK
    Honza Nyms Photographer
    Honza Nyms
    Photographer | CZ
    Kyriakos Kotanidis Photographer
    Kyriakos Kotanidis
    Photographer | GR
    Tommy Chiang Makeup Artist
    Tommy Chiang
    Makeup Artist |

    Modelisto is a free public directory featuring important international professionals such as models, photographers, makeup artists, stylists and agencies. Anyone can contribute by nominating professionals deemed significant in their country. The pages are edited according to quality guidelines and visitors can contact directly artists for fashion and advertising projects. Modelisto is building a catalogue with the “greatest modeling professionals in the world”, to be included register your name or create a wiki for your fashion team.

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